Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sunday in Antwerp

This past Saturday night at the AFS welcome party, my friend Karla from Guatemala randomly invited me to go to Antwerp with her the next day. As an exchange student, you learn to live by the motto "pourquoi pas/why not?" So, I invited some other friends along and we all took the train the next morning from Namur to Brussels to Antwerp. I must admit, I loved Antwerp. While it's much bigger and a bit more modern-looking than Namur, I loved how vast and open it was. Also, bikes were everywhere! One thing I miss about the United States is riding a bike. Where I live, my host family doesn't even own a bike, so that is a big change for me.

In Antwerp, we visited an art house/garden called "Rubens House". It was really great to look at the art, but honestly, I am not the biggest fan of art from the romantic period. (I'm more of a fan of the surrealism style) Nevertheless, it was still really cool, and the garden was awesome! It had tons of cool plants and statues.

After the art house, we went to the pier. One thing that I really like about Belgium is that there is graffiti everywhere! It was no different there. There was a man playing accordion, the weather was beautiful, and the pier had tons of awesome graffiti...what more could one want? Overall, Antwerp was really spectacular. Because Belgium is so small, it is easy to travel to cities in just an hour or two. I am excited to visit even more places as the year continues!

It could be the Fountain of Youth. Who knows.
(October 7, 2012)

My friend Caleb hanging out with some creeping plants.
(October 7, 2012)

My friend Anita looking down from the balcony of a Turkish restaurant.
(October 7, 2012)

Shadow People
(October 7, 2012)

Grote Markt 
(October 7, 2012)

Grote Markt
(October 7, 2012)

Port of Antwerp
(October 7, 2012)

Antwerp train station. (I was obliged to do the tourist thing and take a picture)
(October 7, 2012)


  1. Thanks for sharing Skyler. So glad you get to continue your love of a train to the city! I love your pics! I think of you often!
