Tuesday, September 11, 2012

fiesta! or i mean, fête d'anniversaire

To have godparents is a very common thing in Belgium. On Sunday, my host mom's god-daughter had a birthday so we went to her house to celebrate. I quickly learned that parties in Belgium consist of eating lots of food, talking, and eating even more food. This adds up to a total of about seven to eight hours of eating and talking. In other words, when Belgians have a party, they make the most of it!

Lighting the candles of the exotic fruitcake
(September 9, 2012)

Un, deux, trois...
(September 9, 2012)

Belgium should get more credit for their whipped cream
(September 9, 2012)

This cat was not amused
(September 9, 2012)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, 
why is there another bird in my house
(September 9, 2012)


  1. What beautiful food! And you take such lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh god! what camera/lens do you use?
    your pictures are just awesome.
    show more from belgium!
    it's a great country
    full of cute cities that id like to go :(
